Saturday, May 30, 2020

Siberian Iris, Pink Peonies & Pink Tea Set

My Siberian iris & pink peonies have finally bloomed & I hurriedly picked some before the rain ruined them.
The peony plants originally came from my maternal grandmother's garden. 
My mother then divided the corms & had them planted all along our side yard. 
Before that childhood home was sold, 
my sisters dug up some of those plants for their own gardens.
When I moved back home to Ohio, my sweet sisters dug up some & shared them with me.
♥♥♥ Thanks Weezie & Fritz! ♥♥♥

I set up a little tea table vignette for four, using my BTaT (Brewed to a Tea) china.
I just love this darling set with its pale pink & white polka-dot background & beautiful roses.

The set has 2 different patterns of cups. 

I considered mixing & matching the saucers, but in the end, paired them to their corresponding teacups.

I wish the little sugar bowl lid had an opening for the
Oneida "Americana" sugar spoon to poke out of.
I used my pressed glass shamrock for a spoon rest instead.

I have sugar free mini cupcakes, sans icing ( 1 pt on  WW) on a vintage "Treat Tree". 
I found it online & have used it for many, many events.
 I like to display Hershey kisses, in their proper holiday colors for each month. 
Red in Feb.,Green in March, Gold towards Autumn. 
It is fun to change it out for the occasion &
it is the little things that make a difference!

The white sandwich plates, beneath the cups & saucers
are ironstone by Johnson Brothers, made in England.

The table topper is one that I bought in Milan, Italy.
I'm so very glad we traveled when my husband was alive.
I have no desire to leave my country ever again!

My tea of choice is Lady Grey (decaffeinated).
 When I was working in the hospital (RN) 
I could drink strong caffeinated tea all day
 (or night shift) long, without effect. 
Now, if I have anything with caffeine after 4 pm,
 I toss & turn all night long! 
Even chocolate ice cream keeps me awake!

Thanks for stopping by "The Gazebo House"
I'm really enjoying playing with my dishes again &
love to share information about their origins.



  1. Oh! Oh! Oh! How very lovely! Did you crochet the pink doily, too? That's a nice touch. It's really pretty on the Italian table top, and so is that cloth beneath it. It's interesting to me geographically and culturally to know where pieces come from, so thank you for including the data. Such a peaceful, graceful setting upon which to rest the eyes.

    1. I do know HOW to crochet & I've made lots of items but I did not make this one. I have a matching green one, too, which I usually drag out in March for St. Patrick's Day. I know what you mean about learning so much from other's blogs. At least 3 times this week, I have had to google a term or an item to learn more about it.
      Thanks for stopping by...I appreciate your visits, truly! ♥♥♥

  2. Oh Rett, would I ever love to join you at your pretty tea table. The tea set is just so feminine, and your flowers enhance the beauty. I just love that little treat tree!! It is perfect for all occasions. The topper from Milan is absolutely stunning and a fond memory of your trip with your beloved Ernie. Thank you for sharing the beauty with us.

    1. I KNEW you would like this set, Kitty! Many of your pretty things are feminine like it. I bet you could think of a million things to make to go on my little "Treat Tree"'re such a wonderful baker!
      Thank you for your visit & unending support. ♥♥♥

  3. Such a pretty tea set, Rett. It would be lovely to share a cup of tea with you.

    1. Likewise, Lorrie! I have SO many different teas to share...every one is a favorite when I'm sipping on it. LOL

      I appreciate you popping by. I tried to join a few linky parties but so much has changed since I last blogged, that I had a hard time figuring it out. Will work on that. {{{HUGS}}}

  4. Oh what a fun and proper table you have set with your pink tea cups, so pretty and complete with a pink doily! Good for you for getting out some precious items to display and then share with us;)

    1. I don't know HOW I missed this comment, Vicki!! I'm so sorry not to have responded to you earlier! Thank you for your kind words & for stopping by my blog. I'm trying hard to get back to posting regularly...just out of the habit. I DO love to see what YOU have been're SEW productive! ♥♥♥

  5. What a beautiful tea set! It makes having tea all the more special when presented so elegantly.

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Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I read them all & each one is so very special to me & I try really hard to return the visit!
