Anyway, trust me, this mirror is even waaaay HEAVIER than it looks!
Below is photo, showing the mirror on the wall, all by itself.
I thought I wanted it there but I've never really been happy with it. I just hated to say anything to hubby since it was such a chore to get it hung in the first place.
Then along comes Susan at Between Naps on the Porch, showing us her beautiful dining room with the Venetian mirror with the gorgeous wreath in front of it. Suddenly, I know exactly where I want my mirror!!
Hubby is NOT happy with me! We struggled together to get it down off the wall & although we were able to change the position of the wire hangers, there was no way the two of us could pick it back up & hang it over the buffet like I wanted.
Son-in-law to the rescue....thank you, E! With his strong arms & steady feet on a ladder, and the two of us helping, we were able to hang it on the bolts that hubby & I had screwed into the studs. (That fiasco could be an entirely different post but I doubt the language would be acceptable for publication).
You can see the reflection of the gazebo framed by the arched window! I'm really happy with the increased amount of light that it brings into the room, too.
Much better, don't you agree?
I'm not done with decorating the top but I wanted to join in Metamorphosis Monday, for the first time

Stop in to see lots of other wonderfully inspiring transformations.
After this mirror was finally hung & I took a few pictures, I noticed how glaringly white that cold air return grill looked, so I had hubby help me climb up on top of the buffet to try to remove it for painting. Stupid builders painted right over the screws & I could NOT get it off, so I had to paint it right where it was, standing on my toes the whole time. Then, of course, while we had the paint out, we did two other registers, which thankfully came off easily as well as touched up all the little marks on the walls throughout the house.
Oh and by the way, Susan, hubby says (jokingly) to tell you to "please go back to napping on that porch!" He says you're giving me too many ideas & projects for him! Shhhh.....I haven't even mentioned yet the photos & mirrors I want hung along the stairway.