This may have been our "Last Supper"...
OUTSIDE in the gazebo, that is.
We've had a few glorious weeks of delightfully warm,
dry days but it will soon end.
We won't be able to use the gazebo for dining much longer.
Cuisine Kathleen has challenged bloggers to come up with a tablescape involving apples for her
"Lets Dish" blog party on Wednesday evening this week.
These are the only dishes I have with apples on them.
I should have taken photos at my sister's home when I was there recently...
she has her entire kitchen decorated with an apple theme.
It is Very Cute!
Red waffle-weave placemats & striped extra LARGE napkins for our laps worked great for the meal I was serving.
Hey, Cherry Kay....I finally found my American Whitehall tumblers!!
They were tucked behind my Napoleon bee glassware,
waaaay back in the back of the cupboard.
I've been looking for them for months!
I love the weight of these tumblers...
very durable & sturdy.
They were made in the '60's & are still around.
Some of us had APPLE CIDER &
others enjoyed APPLE RED soda.
I love the look of the sunshine coming through the textured glass!
I made meatballs in marinara sauce with
some of our fresh tomatoes,
which are all done now. Boo-Hoo!
I served it over rigatoni pasta for the kids.
They like that shape because it is easy for them to just slide the tines of the fork into the holes.
My husband prefers angel hair pasta,
as it seems lighter to him.
For dessert, I made an apple pie....
mixed the peeled & sliced apples with
3/4 Cup brown sugar & some
Apple Pie Spice
(forgot to dot with butter)
I piled that luscious sliced fruit really high,
just like my Mom used to do.
She made the
BEST APPLE PIE in the whole wide world, E.V.E.R!!
I thought I'd get fancy & use my Williams Sonoma cutters to make leaf shapes on the top crust,
to let the steam escape.
I could not get the leaves to separate from the dough without tearing, so I just tipped them upward
prior to baking.
Don't they look pretty?

Doesn't it remind you of that painting titled "The Scream" by Evard Munch?
I'm such a failure!
I bet my Mom is laughing up in Heaven.
It tasted great, though.
I think I should save this idea for Halloween!
Thanks for stopping by The Gazebo House today & thanks for all the prayers for my nephew & my nephew's wife, too.
I hope you'll stop over at Kathleen's tonight to see all the fun
APPLE Tablescapes!
I'll be there as well as over at Yvonne's StoneGable for Tutorials, Tips & Tidbits &
Michael Lee's Rattlebridge Farm for Foodie Friday.
(this pie should be called "Frightful Foodie Friday")