Every year, my Memory Makers quilt guild has a different challenge to keep us sewing on task through the year. When they asked for ideas at the end of 2014, I suggested doing a "50 Shades of Red" challenge. My idea was chosen & the parameters were set that one could use as many red fabrics as you wanted. In fact, the more, the merrier! A background of either white or cream could be chosen along with one other color.
Years ago, there was a huge display of all red & white quilts in New York. You can follow THIS LINK to see a wonderful selection of them.
We had three different categories, based on size.
We got to vote for our favorites in each section
along with picking our "Viewers Choice".
I foolishly forgot to bring my camera...(Bad Blogger!)
so these photos were taken with my friend, Robin's phone.
I know I must have missed capturing some of the quilts,
as people arrived later in the evening.
Just look at those feathers....DROOL!!! I happen to know Sue Palumbo quilted this one for Connie.
The pattern is called "Irish Mist"...I ♥♥♥ it!!!
This quilt was my entry, made from the patterns in the book titled "10-Minute Blocks"...See below:

Very fast & easy project that left me lots of wide spaced to practice my free motion quilting in the red blocks.
I used the computer to place the floral daisy motif in the center of each white square. This pattern ends up with a very thick intersection of seams right in the middle of that block so I chose something that would avoid hitting them & perhaps risk breaking a needle...or worse, messing up the timing on my Innova.
I've forgotten the names of these two blocks, above & below. Perhaps someone who was there that night will pop in to remind me?
as everyone contributes something to the evening meal.
These "Quilt Block" cookies were a hit on the dessert table!! They are made with edible rice paper that is placed on the wet icing of the cookie. What a special treat!
Below is a photo from the website that sells them along with a link, just in case you want to make them next year.
Edible wafer paper Quilt Blocks
Thanks for stopping by The Gazebo House during the busy time.
Thanks for stopping by The Gazebo House during the busy time.